Thursday, September 22, 2011

The murder of Troy Davis by Georgia got me thinking

"Whether the trial witnesses against him were lying then or are lying now, by fighting against his requested relief Georgia is saying that its interest in the finality of its capital judgments is more important than the accuracy of its capital verdicts."

-- From a thoughtful Atlantic piece by Andrew Cohen.

So if government is "bad" when it taxes you, what about when it kills you, and with more than a "reasonable doubt" that you did the thing for which you're being killed? Why aren't John Boehner, Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul, et al, stepping up to the plate on that issue?

Of course, we know where Rick "Serial Executionier" Perry stands.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I only heard about Troy Davis on Tuesday before his execution. I was not for or against the DP before last night but after witnessing such a huge injustice, I have to question what the Supreme Court and GA were thinking and where their interests really lie. I don't know Davis's innocence or guilt but after reading everything I could find on the net, I have doubts like MILLIONS of other people. I still can't believe they did it. :(