Our country is sick, very sick. https://t.co/DaKTziZ8nE
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 31, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/mrgreg
August 31, 2020 at 03:20PM
My take on books, canoes, running, current events, movies, music (especially jazz and fado), science, technology and life its ownself
Our country is sick, very sick. https://t.co/DaKTziZ8nE
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 31, 2020
Donald tRump has made this country what it once was, lawless and dominated by white men with guns. If you vote for him, that’s what you’re voting for.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 29, 2020
Letting these guys walk around like this is police malfeasance. Every damn cop who saw them and didn’t do a thing about it should be shit-canned. To serve and protect? Bullshit. https://t.co/JGZTd5joQ0
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 28, 2020
Greatest economy ever. https://t.co/KvnrrqrhZo
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 28, 2020
There is a god, or gods. https://t.co/xY6KMaQQKT
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 28, 2020
And the tRump admin says nothing. https://t.co/10Iub6XlBn
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 28, 2020
Worth considering. Impossible to do with current leadership and its anti-government dogma. We’d all be goose-stepping if tRump and his Gee Oh Pee toadies had been in office during WWII. Of course, some of tRump’s cultists are goose-stepping anyway. https://t.co/3AqH6xePF2
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 28, 2020
A 17-year-old “Blues Lives Matter” AND tRump supporter enabled by tRump’s rhetoric on — and actions to — violently suppress even peaceful protests. https://t.co/UKs7u8hGiN
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 28, 2020
Hey look, an asshole convention. https://t.co/FgsnA3tWsf
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 28, 2020
Exactly. https://t.co/6nM9pS4kaU
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 27, 2020
He broke it instead. Actual adults are required for the repairs. https://t.co/sV3DTG2Scd
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 27, 2020
The two visions. One, a return to democracy. Two, continued devolution to an authoritarian state headed by a would-be dictator and serial liar. Those are your choices. https://t.co/vM6EGb1Evv
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 27, 2020
The definition of delusional. https://t.co/RDMdZGld4u
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 25, 2020
Perhaps only Lindsey Graham is a bigger tRump sellout than Nikki Haley. Perhaps. https://t.co/2j0yWLVbAs
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 25, 2020
One of the biggest rats jumps ship. Soon to be a highly paid Fox talking head. https://t.co/mEL2jIGXKl
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 24, 2020
Just sickening. https://t.co/Pxops93WOx
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 22, 2020
tRump shill. Just. Go. Away. https://t.co/V9X6t8oeH1
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 21, 2020
It would justice if this asshat ends up in a cell with some horny neonazis. https://t.co/HPu9XeHw6z
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 20, 2020
tRump shill. Just. Go. Away. https://t.co/yqVSZdLoQs
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 19, 2020
Why not, today’s Gee Oh Pee is the party of felons anyway. https://t.co/TtjMj6bmt9
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 19, 2020
Defectors?! I’d call them responsible citizens who actually care about their country’s future. https://t.co/IPbLkd1jjr
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 18, 2020
Because empty gestures are all ya got. https://t.co/fEMoAYc1R6
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 18, 2020
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 18, 2020
Sad. Never got enough attention. https://t.co/fTKGbW8SEj
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 17, 2020
No reason to do this at all. There is an oil glut, demand was tanking even before the pandemic, prices are in the shitter. It’s just wanton disregard for one of the last wild places on the plant. Sickening. https://t.co/izHzxSK0AR
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 17, 2020
Although oil prices are at a stunning low and demand is tanked. No reason for this. https://t.co/bP9Ug7U7xT
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 17, 2020
Some countries have presidents who actually give a shit, and show it. https://t.co/d1U7dhCpoL
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 17, 2020
WTF Newsweek?! https://t.co/5XHcRbmLut
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 16, 2020
Because when someone in the White House actually tells the truth it’s news. https://t.co/gK8diG5Zii
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 16, 2020
Meanwhile, the virus... https://t.co/mpLgKUpqto
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 14, 2020
Never get tired of hearing these guys do this. https://t.co/g4jwTTtlvg
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 14, 2020
This is a dangerous cult identified as a borderline domestic terrorist organization. These people should be in court or in jail, not in office. https://t.co/FD9lEB6Tyd
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 14, 2020
So, much ado about nothing. Meanwhile, back to the country with the world’s worst pandemic response... https://t.co/LKBu8bzGcj
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 13, 2020
Thanks, asshat. https://t.co/hhIDMraLpU
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 13, 2020
Just. Go. Away. https://t.co/zRTGzVhsTG
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 13, 2020
Won’t happen because there is no evidence. tRump and his Gee Oh Pee enablers are working on numerous fronts to suppress voting because they cannot win otherwise. It is a direct attack on the right to vote and on our democracy. https://t.co/M0mX63GmaX
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 13, 2020
Disturbing. This is a racist, anti-semitic, violence-promoting cult identified as a borderline domestic terrorist organization. These people should be in court or in jail — or at least back in the dark hole they crawled out of — not in public office. https://t.co/VG0kt4ChrP
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 13, 2020
Because he has to suppress the vote to have any shot at re-election. Criminal, on multiple levels. https://t.co/LlKScCXjMf
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 13, 2020
Fail! https://t.co/lG6qd1AIN0
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 13, 2020
His picture is in the dictionary next to “dumbass.” https://t.co/GJ7FLq2dNr
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 12, 2020
Disgusting. The Republicbums should be ashamed. But then tRump... https://t.co/E19NzT11WW
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 12, 2020
Those two would certainly be near the top of my list. https://t.co/tq6MPrlGHX
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 12, 2020
This is today’s Republican Party. Sickening and scary. https://t.co/KE40UlLhuQ
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 12, 2020
Super! Mike Pence is pissing his pants thinking about the VP debate. https://t.co/Pi8eUoIlz7
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 11, 2020
Love it. Let’s reclaim the country from the crazies! https://t.co/N99SwEerzS
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 11, 2020
Sure as hell works for me. Let’s kick some MAGA ass! https://t.co/FRq7wedYj9
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 11, 2020
The fraud claim is as baseless as claims of mail-in voting fraud. The bottom line: tRump and his Gee Oh Pee enablers want to suppress the vote in any way possible because if the people vote, having failed miserably, they’re out. https://t.co/vOM2oe7BQw
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 11, 2020
And there’s the bottom line, it’s about the stock market, not about helping the vast majority of Americans facing economic hardship as a result of the pandemic. The stock market is not the economy for most people. (Most of my retirement account is in stocks.) https://t.co/o5Sgj5pL5X
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 10, 2020
I am a proponent of protest to spur political action, but this, not to mention Chicago, is counterproductive. At best, it’s Twitter bait for the right wing. At worst, it’s going to get tRump re-elected. https://t.co/folezzotl7
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 10, 2020
Idiocy. https://t.co/A3oY3vrPoL
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 6, 2020
No reason to cancel the meeting. Masks are uncomfortable so you can skip those. Go ahead and cough but keep your hands down, you don’t want to get them all messy. And be sure to talk loudly, he’s hard of hearing. https://t.co/bExb2Xz3xc
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 6, 2020
Say what it is: Texas, with some of the worst Gee Oh Pee leaders in the country, is suppressing the vote because said Gee Oh Pee leaders, and their cult leader in the White House, might not get elected otherwise. They’re cheating the electorate...again. https://t.co/S7JICgnehg
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 6, 2020
Our country is sick, very sick, from COVID-19, yes, but that is just a symptom. tRump, his enablers and his cultists are the root cause. The cure starts with voting them out. https://t.co/YUbrI24yx4
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 6, 2020
A thing of beauty. https://t.co/TW71hnfynX
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 5, 2020
Nice of you to pull your head out of your ass, pal. https://t.co/08RPLergjH
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 5, 2020
Miserable, miserable man, shameless liar, altogether despicable human (barely) being. https://t.co/hiG5Gw6qUq
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 4, 2020
Answer: no. https://t.co/59gQOeX25A
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 4, 2020
Just. Go. Away. https://t.co/gavCcFPiO2
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 4, 2020
Gotta love Mississippi, always striving to win that big Most Dumbass State award. https://t.co/dQcX3wrosm
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 4, 2020
One in four people have not been counted. The Constitution mandates that ALL people living in the U.S. be counted. This is unconstitutional and part of an attempt to maintain the power of an oppressive conservative minority by subterfuge. https://t.co/GqIIK8Cvs1
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 4, 2020
The chickens always come home to roost. https://t.co/o8NI9a3tOS
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) August 3, 2020