Be sure to cash his check for those flights before the scumbag gets out the door.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 29, 2017
from Twitter
September 29, 2017 at 04:55PM
My take on books, canoes, running, current events, movies, music (especially jazz and fado), science, technology and life its ownself
Be sure to cash his check for those flights before the scumbag gets out the door.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 29, 2017
Because he got caught. Major league scumbag.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 28, 2017
VR researcher Aleshia Hayes @ #DawnorDoom: her kids kids will probably not have an idea what it is to live in a world without mixed reality.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 27, 2017
"Do not enter dangerous areas while playing Pokémon GO." Prof. Aleshia Hayes talking about the #DawnorDoom of augmented reality.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 27, 2017
Riding a roller coaster @ #DawnorDoom with Google Cardboard and VR from Purdue's Envision Center.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 27, 2017
"Ideally when they (his kids 9, 7 & 3) go to college their drunk friends won't be driving." Nick Thompson on autonomous cars @ #DawnorDoom.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 27, 2017
"We are about to enter an age when all kinds of things are decided by (potentially biased) algorithms." WIRED's Nick Thompson @ #DawnorDoom.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 27, 2017
"Our phones are better at hijacking our time than we are at controlling them." WIRED Editor- in-Chief Nick Thompson @ #DawnorDoom.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 27, 2017
"In an authoritarian regime facts are the most dangerous thing." Political communication researcher Josh Scacco on fake news @ #DawnorDoom.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 27, 2017
We attend to things that support our beliefs, social media algorithms amplify it to a new level. Kip Williams on fake news @ #DawnOrDoom.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 27, 2017
Fake news "inoculates" people against even seeking other sources. Researcher Josh Scacco, fake news panelist @ #DawnOrDoom.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 27, 2017
"It's a little bit of a busy time," Purdue Prof. Josh Scacco, who studies political communication online. ESE fake news panel @ #DawnOrDoom.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 27, 2017
Imagine a search engine where you input a pic of your lamp and it designs a matching couch. Kyler Nunery on exploding AI tech @ #DawnOrDoom.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 27, 2017
Big data + parallel processing power (created for gaming) = exponential growth in neural network, AI capability. Kyler Nunery @ #DawnOrDoom.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 27, 2017
So they say something which has happened never, which has proven repeatedly to be wrong, will happen. Now that's magic thinking.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 27, 2017
Boy would you need a shower after being in that studio.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 27, 2017
Fake news not only affirms your beliefs, it lets you avoid rethinking them, and it can be profitable for purveyors. @qhardy @ #DawnorDoom.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 26, 2017
News judgment shifts (and maybe not for the better) as click-throughs drive evaluation of what a quality story is, @qhardy @ #DawnorDoom.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 26, 2017
You only believe fake news because you kind of believed it in the first place; it plays to your bias, Quentin Hardy @ #dawnordoom.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 26, 2017
Guy defended the klan before, too. So grain of salt, or lots of grains.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 26, 2017
Actually, it's about playing to your willfully ignorant base because it's all you've got left.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 25, 2017
The message being, kiss my ass in Macy's front window you stubby fingered buttface.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 23, 2017
Tech takes the craft out of everything. And that's why when we see it intruding where there is no good reason, we need to call bullshit.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 23, 2017
The message being, fuck you and your stubby fingers!
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 23, 2017
Ah, but who's the "king" and who's a clown?
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 23, 2017
Another reason Silicon Valley asshats trying to make a misfortune replacing bodegas with automats suck.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 23, 2017
A Train looks like he could still drag a bunch of linebackers and defensive backs 10 yards.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 23, 2017
Also, we should fire presidents who kneel to Russia during national elections.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 23, 2017
Who would know better?
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 22, 2017
Try teachin' your dumbass husband first honey.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 20, 2017
Don't apologize for the truth.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 15, 2017
But nazis marching, that's OK. Misplaced priorities.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 15, 2017
Try worrying about what's right for once, instead of worrying about what's politically palatable. But I don't expect it.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 14, 2017
If there was ever an argument for public spanking this asshat is it.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 14, 2017
Nun with a chainsaw would make a great horror movie title.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 13, 2017
Note: that's last year, before the dark times, before the age of tRump.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 13, 2017
So public schools are bad, but rape on campus is OK.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 8, 2017
Yeah dickhead, jobs could help close the racial divide, assuming you were doing anything to accelerate job growth.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 1, 2017
Because, hey, we've got nothing more important going on right now than that damn wall.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 1, 2017
Sad for people devastated by Harvey. Sad for all of us for the cover Harvey's justifiable news dominance gives asshat to do heinous shit.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 1, 2017
But, you know, let's not worry about the increased likelihood of severe storms like this that comes with climate change.
— Greg Kline (@mrgreg) September 1, 2017